
Real-time Anti-Fraud Prevention Software

FRAML-MS combines various technologies (ML & AI) that understand your customers’ usage behavior to detect transactional anomalies in real-time.

Why use FRAML-MS for fraud prevention?

Rules Engine

The rules engine allows FRAML-MS to interpret your entity’s policies, no matter how complex they may be. It can be configured autonomously by the system administrator.

Easy integration with Dynamic Frames functionality

This award-winning functionality optimizes ROI and accelerates system implementation by 80% compared to other software. It enables the seamless integration of FRAML-MS with all your entity’s transactional channels according to the structure of their frames in a parametric manner, drastically reducing implementation time.

Real-time Fraud Detection

By evaluating transactions across different channels, real-time alerts are generated, enabling timely management to prevent fraud.

Transactional validation with the customer

When FRAML-MS detects a potentially fraudulent transaction, it enables communication with the customer via SMS, chat, or phone call to confirm the transaction.

Entities that detect fraud in real-time

Learn how FRAML-MS supports your efforts to prevent transactional fraud risk in your organization.

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